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        1. About US

            Established in October 2017 with a registered capita lplus capital reserveof  120 million yuan, ningxia vocaron new material co., ltd. is a high-tech r&d technology enterprise dedicated to providing high-value-added product auxiliaries -- light initiator and light stabilizer to customers such as PCB electronic ink, water-based coating, nylon textile and plastic modification. The company is located in ningdong national energy and chemical industry base of ningxia, which is approved by the state council as a national key development zone and coal chemical industry base. Park relying on coal, water, land and other resources advantage, focus on developing coal, electric power, coal chemical industry and new materials four leading industries, general resin, organic raw materials, high-performance synthetic rubber, engineering plastics and special resin, five types of high-end specialty chemicals products cluster, supplement the development of comprehensive utilization of resources and related supporting industries, and form the relatively concentrated, complement each other, the coordinated development of the modern energy chemical industry system。



          CONTACT US

          Ningxia Vocaron new materials co. LTD


          ADD:Room A1401, 14th floor, ningdong enterprise headquarters building, ningxia 

          All rights reserved support:善仁科技
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